Joshua Harmon — JR Outloud — Jewish Renaissance

Joshua Harmon

In conversation: Jenna Augen and Ilan Goodman

Good shtick on Bad Jews from two of the stars of Joshua Harmon's hit comedy, Jenna Augen and Ilan Goodman

JR Outloud
Good shtick on Bad Jews from two of the stars of Joshua Harmon's hit comedy
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As Joshua Harmon's dangerous, yet funny debut play, Bad Jews, enjoys its third successful run – the second in London – at the Arts Theatre, Judi Herman caught up with cast members Jenna Augen (Daphna) and Ilan Goodman (Liam) to talk about battling it out live on stage.

Bad Jews runs until Saturday 30 May. 7.30pm & 2.30pm (Thu/Sat ony). £20-£49.50. Arts Theatre, Great Newport St, WC2H 7JB; 020 7836 8463.

Read our review of Bad Jews. [link to blog]