What our SUBSCRIBERS say about us…
“Jewish Renaissance does the near-impossible: it rescues English Jews from the curse of the parochial, re-uniting us with the wider, grander, older and newer world of Jewish thought and events. Essential reading if you’re Jewish or if you’re not.”
“Your publication avoids every single cliché known to man or woman. Never too esoteric or worthy and never churning out variations on similar articles that we’ve all skimmed over in other publications. It’s a truly exciting read that breathes quality from start to finish.”
“I very much admire your outstanding work in producing a first-rate magazine. Kol hakavod, bravo, gmar vehatima tova!
“A fascinating magazine: always beautifully produced and a pleasure to read. It has opened my eyes to the condition of Jews in corners of the world that I never knew they inhabited, as well as a wealth of cultural events in London and the regions.”
“Receiving a new edition of Jewish Renaissance is a welcome breath of fresh air. I don’t know of any other magazine to compare with it for its intelligent and absorbing coverage of Jewish culture, especially in Britain, but also worldwide.”
“Congratulations on putting together such a lively magazine. This is just what the Jewish community needs.”
“It is a stunning publication and certainly a keeper. My second issue just arrived and I am sitting here immersed in it even though I must get dressed and get on a plane to Mexico. Each issue is as good as the last! I love it!”
“Thank you! You are doing excellent work in keeping Jewish culture visible and viable in the UK in these troubled times.”
“I love the magazine. Congratulations on preserving such a high standard and keeping it so interesting.”
“Jewish Renaissance is extremely well written and presented, and its coverage of Jewish culture is simply wonderful. Informative, stimulating and often thought provoking, JR is something that ought to have been around for much longer. Its mission statement is a fine and noble one; JR deserves support and should not be allowed to fail.”
“Jewish Renaissance is far and away the best magazine on Jewish culture I have seen. It’s really well laid out, with a wide range of articles.”
“I really do enjoy Jewish Renaissance and also the events calendar received by email, where I see all the amazing events I am missing back in the UK being stuck out in the very Far East. But at least I know what to plan for when making trips back to London. All strength to your editorial powers!”
“Each issue is a rich treasury of culture and a fascinating and rewarding experience to read.”
“I do love your magazine and always find it so interesting and well laid out.”
“I look forward to JR every quarter. It is not too intellectual, but informative and I feel it connects me with my roots.”
“The whole issue is really well edited and JR is destined to become one of the top international Jewish mags of quality.”
“I read your magazine right the way through. Then I read it again. It is that good!”
“It’s such a treat to receive each issue of Jewish Renaissance.”
“Read your latest issue (South Africa, 2004) cover to cover. Pretty damn good show! I’ve much enjoyed it. I was pleased to be up there with the rest of ‘em. Congratulations.”
“I really enjoy reading Jewish Renaissance – it is always a well-researched and lovely magazine. ”
“I think it is an excellent magazine – certainly unique. I’m not Jewish – alas! But I love and embrace Jewish culture. I do think JR will have a very long life.”
“I LOVE your magazine and it is of great comfort to me whilst living in Tauranga, New Zealand and being one of only a very few Jews in this city.”
“Thank you for the magazine. It’s a real joy to read and there’s so much news and information that doesn’t seem to be available elsewhere; in-depth commentaries and analysis. Above all, it makes me feel part of ‘where it’s all happening’.”
“When it comes through the letterbox I think, “There’s my best friend”.”
“In the last few generations Jewish people have gone through so many developments that many of us don’t know where we stand any more. It’s time for regeneration in Jewish life. That’s why this magazine is so important.”
“JR is a fantastic, vicarious experience, enabling me to visit other cities, explore with like-minded people, and read about society and arts in another country. It’s all expressed so beautifully by extremely talented writers, who almost physically take me with them.”
“I really love your publication – it is of such high quality and always contains articles in which I am greatly interested. It is one of the best publications I know. I love the style. I love the content. I think you really capture the spirit of the diverse communities you feature. I read it from cover to cover.”
“My enjoyment of your magazine has been great, growing with its constant improvements over the years. I thank all of your staff for this unique contribution to the Jewish renaissance in Britain.”
“As always, I found JR a total delight from beginning to end. Little else I take gives me as much pleasure.”
“I always look forward to receiving the latest copy of Jewish Renaissance; the articles are so wide-ranging, well-written and beautifully illustrated. They’ve opened my eyes and made me feel part of a world-wide community. Plus, the reviews and listings are a real bonus – authoritative, comprehensive, clear, and very useful.”
“WOW! What a superb job you did on the subject of the Jews of China. Again, thanks for the fabulous series of articles; as always your magazine continues to educate and reveal our wonderful history.”
“I think your magazine is excellent. I am not Jewish but I am taking Theology and Religious Studies at college and I find it most useful. Keep up the good work.”
“I want to thank you enormously for your wonderful magazine. At last I read clever, clear, intellectual thoughts on the question many ask themselves: What is being Jewish? The language, religion, the land, the people that share your life and views, culture and history… The discovery of it is making life meaningful.”