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Spring Issue Launch: New Illuminated Haggadot

Ready for Passover, we commissioned poets and artists to respond to the haggadah with original work for our Long Read in the Spring 2022 issue, sponsored in memory of refugee activist Ester Gluck. In this event we’ll celebrate our new issue, alongside the publication of the New Venice Haggadah, with Professor Marc Michael Epstein, Vassar College lecturer and director of Beit Venezia. Several of our contributors also have stunning etchings featured in the New Venice Haggadah, which is published by Edizioni Damocle and printed in Venice. The Hebrew text is accompanied by Epstein's recent English translation, which invites discussion and interpretation.

Professor Marc Michael Epstein has been teaching at Vassar since 1992 and is currently the director of Jewish Studies. He has written on various topics in visual and material culture produced by, for and about Jews. His most recent book, Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts, won the 2015 National Jewish Book Award, while his 2011 work, The Medieval Haggadah: Art, Narrative and Religious Imagination, was included in The Times Literary Supplement’s Best Books of the Year.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link, which will be sent out a few days before the event.*

*Please check your spam folder as sometimes group emails end up there. Contact us if you haven’t received the link by the morning of the event.

Pictured: Ten Plagues by Sophie Herxheimer



JR has an ethical ticketing policy and is offering free tickets to this event, but if you can afford it, please donate to support our work. We are proposing denominations of 18 – the numerical value of the Hebrew word 'chai', meaning 'life'.