UKJFF 2021: The Policeman ★★★★

UKJFF 2021: The Policeman ★★★★

This classic 1971 Israeli feature celebrates its 50th anniversary this year and it's aged beautifully. Written and directed by Ephraim Kishon, HaShoter Azoulay, aka The Policeman, took home numerous awards in 1972, including Best Foreign Language Film at the Golden Globes…

Cliveden Literary Festival returns

Cliveden Literary Festival returns

Cliveden Literary Festival, which takes its name from the gorgeous National Trust property it's held at, kicks off this weekend with a wonderful two-day programme that celebrates literature, history and politics. The guest list boasts high-profile writers, historians, politicians and…

IWM London opens new Holocaust galleries

IWM London opens new Holocaust galleries

After two years in the making, the Imperial War Museum London is finally set to open its brand new Second World War and The Holocaust Galleries on Wednesday 20 October. At three times the size of their award-winning…

Ridley Road on TV this weekend

Ridley Road on TV this weekend

Last year we were lucky enough to host author Jo Bloom at our first ever book club, where she discussed her debut 2015 novel Ridley Road, which had just been commissioned for adaptation by the BBC. This Sunday the thrilling four-part drama is finally set to premier. The story is told from…