
Getting the goat: Dylan at 80

Getting the goat: Dylan at 80

God knows why, but Bob Dylan has agreed to speak to me on the subject of the Nobel Prize. Call it an exclusive. We arrange to meet in Clissold Park, where I often walk with my dog, Lobos. Among the park’s many attractions are two goats; one named Bob, the other Dylan. It is they who…

Beyond 'white other'

Beyond 'white other'

“What’s a census?” my little brother asked. “Well it’s a survey…” I began. “Is it geography related?” he interrupted, his eyes narrowing. “Because lockdown is boring enough.” I’m a geography student at Edinburgh University, so I get very excited over census, but 2021 could cause…

A nice Jewish girl wouldn’t do that

A nice Jewish girl wouldn’t do that

As a 21-year-old British Jewish girl, I am blessed to live in a society where I have the freedom to choose how I practice and embrace my faith. I am reform and modern in my lifestyle. Recently, a photo I posted of myself on my private Instagram page was put on a WhatsApp group chat and…