Kosher Food and Wine Experience 2023 ★★★★★

The UK’s largest kosher wine tasting event returned for its 18th annual – and unforgettable – evening of splendour

The art deco design of the Sheraton Grand London Park Lane Hotel is the perfect setting for such a night of grandeur. Upon arrival at the Kosher Food and Wine Experience, attendees are greeted with a stunningly set sushi table, courtesy of chef Luca Camboni of Arieh Wagner's kosher hospitality company Starguest, before reaching a buffet offering a huge range of delicacies, both traditionally Jewish and international. "Kosher luxury beyond five stars," reads Starguest's strapline and it couldn’t be more fitting.

Next, we enter the ballroom. In what can only be described as magnificent, the beautifully decorated room hosts stalls showcasing some 200 wines from Israel, France, Italy and the USA. But that's not all. Whether you’re after whiskey, Champagne, cocktails or the promised vino, the precision and knowledge of the winery representatives is second to none and they certainly succeed at their mission to educate the public and trade about kosher varieties.

With tables of distillers including Edmond de Rothschild Heritage, Herzog Wine Cellars, Odem Mountain and Schmerling, to name a few, visitors are invited to enjoy custom-made cocktails and try whatever beverages take their fancy, while learning about the rich background of each one.

The accuracy in the planning and presentation of Kedem Europe’s event is abundantly clear: the intricate use of space was delivered perfectly and those working at the tasting couldn’t have been more helpful. The evening went above and beyond the average Kiddush wine (blessed before Jewish holidays and Shabbat) and really took participants to every corner of the world with their tastes.

The glamour of the venue, complimented by the sophistication of the food and wine on offer made for an exceptional experience – one that all involved will undoubtedly be looking forward to again next year.

By Dani Silver

Kosher Food and Wine Experience 2023 took place on Tuesday 11 July in London. Visit for details on next year's event.