Interview: Na’ama Zisser

Interview: Na’ama Zisser

Israeli composer Na’ama Zisser tells us about writing her Jewish opera Mamzer Bastard. Imagine you’re in New York in the 1970s. Jimmy Carter is either in office or about to be, bands like the Bee Gees and Elton John are vying for top spot in the charts, and one very apprehensive groom named Yoel is dreading his impending wedding…

Book review: The Shakespeare Flickbook

Book review: The Shakespeare Flickbook

A visually intriguing gift from the late graphic designer Abram Games for the bard's 454th birthday. In 1975 Abram Games, one of Britain’s greatest graphic designers, was commissioned to make a Centenary Appeal poster for the Royal Shakespeare Company. His brilliant solution was to become known beyond…

Secret Life of Humans ★★★★

Secret Life of Humans ★★★★

A beautifully-realised theatrical account of human endeavour. Before Homo sapiens there was Neanderthal man. And before Simon Schama, Mary Beard and David Attenborough, there was Dr Jacob Bronowski. A Polish Jewish refugee, Bronowski became one of the first intellectuals…

Used to Be Blonde ★★★★

Used to Be Blonde ★★★★

Tomorrow's dance stars shine in Sharon Eyal's thrilling vision. To watch 41 very young – and very talented – dancers executing Sharon Eyal’s exacting and precise choreography is to share a life-affirming and exhilarating experience with the rest of the audience and the young company themselves…